Bat Family

Halloween Special – Top 10 Gothic Superhero Costumes

Happy Halloween interweb, Nate here.  So during my review of Fant4stic I had a poll up for my Halloween Special and between the Top 10 Gothic Superhero Costumes or a Comixplanation on Death in Comics and I think it’s pretty obvious on which one won.  This list is pretty simply: it’s my personal favorite Gothic superhero costumes.  So basically if it’s mostly black with maybe some white, purple, or blue, than it qualifies.  Let’s get the the list!

See other top 10s here. (more…)

Batman V Superman Comic-Con Trailer Review and Explained

Warning:  All of what I’m about to say may very well be me speculating and theorizing.  So if I say something that contradicts something that is revealed later than that is why.  Also just to be on the safe side I’m just going to say there are possible spoilers below but I highly doubt there’s anything that will ruin the movie if I mention it.

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So as most of you probably know by now, the second trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (you know, saying the full title over and over again doesn’t change how ridiculously cheesy it sounds) was released at Comic-Con and since I did a review on the first trailer I figured I should talk about my thoughts on this one.  So let get to the review! (more…)

Convergence: Batgirl #1

Warning: This issue is recent and as such will contain spoilers.  I will have a short spoiler-free section where I vaguely say what happened in the issue as well as my opinion.  Past the spoiler-free section will have spoilersAlso, the “Ratings” section at the bottom of the post will be spoiler-free as well.  You have officially been warned.

Convergence Batgirl #1Hello interweb, Nate here.  So Monday I talked about what is going on with Convergence, and Yesterday I reviewed Convergence: Superman #1.  Today I review Convergence: Batgirl #1!  Let’s geth this review going! (more…)

Comixplanation – Convergence Xplained

ConvergenceHello in interweb, Nate here.  So as most of you, DC has rebooted their comics again with an 9-issue miniseries called Convergence.  While I have not read any of the Convergence comics from the miniseries (I’m just going to wait until it’s collected into a trade), I have read a few of the titles that came out during this event.  The comics I bought wasConvergence: Superman #1, Convergence: Batgirl #1, and Convergence: Harley Quinn #1.  I also wanted to buy Convergence: Speed Force #1 but unfortunately my local comic shop ran out of that specific title.  So I decided that I would review the three convergence title throughout this week but today I’ll explain what exactly is going on with convergence so it’s easier for you guys to follow along. (more…)

10 Movies That I Want to See Be Made + Aquaman’s Batman V Superman Design

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Sorry I didn’t post yesterday but as I promised on my Facebook page (which you should really follow as I do post updates and share recent news every once in while up there) I am posting this today.  So anyways, Marvel and DC has a bunch of movies that have been announced so a while ago I posted the ten that I’m most excited for.  Now, here’s 10 movies that I would like them to try and make.  Just for clarity, I personally believe there are two reasons for making live-action superhero movies: 1. to bring these characters that we’ve only seen in drawings and possibly cartoons come to life, and 2. to introduce new people to the characters and possibly get them curious enough to pick up one of their comic books.  So these suggestions are going to be towards both or one of those categories.

Also, I said in a recent post that I would try and get at least one Character Bio out every month but the X-23 Character Bio I’m working on still needs some fine tuning.  I’m almost done with it, but it’s just so incredibly long that I doubt anybody would want to read the whole thing so I’m trying to shorten it down some without losing any important information.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

New Years Special – My Top 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2014


Happy New Year interweb, Nate here.  So the schedule of this post is kind of confusing as I meant for this to be my very first post on my blog of 2015, but obviously it isn’t since yesterday I posted my Civil War Review as I’ve been holding back on that post for quite some time now and I felt that it needed to get posted.  So while this technically isn’t the first post of 2015, I might treat it as it is as there are things I plan on doing with this new year.

Before I get to talking about what’s yet to come I should get us introduced to this post.  So I’ve had this blog for 9 months now (excluding this month), I have a total of 49 followers, and my most viewed post has had 273 views.  Now in comparison to other big blogs that may not be that big, but I’m 15-years old I have 49 people who has basically said “I like the content on this blog” and my most viewed post has 273 views.  Honestly, how many 15-year old can honestly say what I have just said?  Not a lot.  So honestly, thank you guys for reading this blog and supported me through 2014.  And I bet this paragraph has definitely shown that I’m a modest person :P.  So this post is going to be based purely by views.  No favoritism, no biases, no anything in that nature (except I am taking the Character Bio Format as that’s technically isn’t a post and would have normally made the number 5 spot on here).

With the upcoming posts I have several things in the works.  For one my Ant-Man Character Bio is almost done and originally I was going to wait til closer to the release date, but considering that this thing comes out in July I’m probably going to simply post it within a couple of weeks.  I also have several other Character Bios and Character Compares in the works so keep an eye out for those.  I’m just going to go ahead and spoil one of each, for the Character Bio you can expect to see one on X-23 and a Character Compare comparing Green Arrow to Hawkeye.  There is also a brand new series that I have planed that will probably debute some time this month or early on next month.  So a huge chunk of 2015 will be the usual Top 10s (or 5s), Character Bios, Character Compares, and an unannounced series.  And with that monster of announcements, let’s go over to out list!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Christmas Special – Top 5 Superhero Cartoon Christmas Specials


Merry Christmas interweb, Nate here.  And I am full of cheer.  As this is Christmas week, and a Christmas themed post is what I seek.  So I have found for you five Christmas specials, not two.  From superhero cartoons you see, and reading this post has no fee.  And while my rhymes might be bad, you have to admit that my effort is pretty rad.  This was done first by CinemaSins‘s video titled Everything Wrong With How The Grinch Stole Christmas – Again – With Nostalgia Critic , and I thought this was cool for Christmas, I had to admit it.  And while I know it’s because it was based off a book Dr. Seuss has done, does that really mean I can’t join in on the fun?  So I have held back my Civil War Review, again, to do this Christmas post that’ll be read by few.  So grab your egg nog and snuggle up with your dog, this is the top 5 superhero Christmas episodes!  Try not to get cold.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Damian Wayne (The Fifth Robin) – Character Bio

Damian Wayne, True Son of Batman, the Fifth Robin and the Fourth Main Robin

Damian Wayne, True Son of Batman, the Fifth Robin and the Fourth Main Robin


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So you may notice that I called this Robin the fifth Robin even though this is my forth Robin bio.  That is because the Fourth Robin is technically the blink-and-you’ll-miss-her Stephanie Brown who is my personal favorite Robin (I like the other Robins best when they change their ID, Nightwing, Red Robin, etc.) and had an extremely short run as Robin and as a result isn’t that significant to the other Robins.  There is also Carrie Kelley who was a non-cannon Robin but due to the fact that the non-cannon story The Dark Knight Returns is one of the most famous Batman stories, people like to include her.  And so I decided that that is the poll for today: Do you want me to do a Bio on the two remaining Robins?  And you can choose between Stephanie Brown, Carrie Kelley, Both, or Neither.  Either way, I’m not going to get to them before I complete my reader-requested Ant-man Character Bio.

With that mouthful of announcements aside, I did a Character Bio for Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake.  Now for the fourth male Robin, the fourth main Robin, and the Fifth Robin in general: Damian Wayne, the true son of Batman. (more…)

Tim Drake (The Third Robin) – Character Bio

Tim Drake, the Third Robin

Tim Drake, the Third Robin


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So as of lately I guess it’s kind of obvious that I have been busy as I haven’t posted last Monday nor this past Saturday.  However, I did get the Tim Drake Character Bio finished and ready for ya’ll to enjoy.  So first we did the first Robin: Dick Grayson, then the second Robin: Jason Todd, now it’s time for the third Robin to get some love.

Also, I’ll try to get Damian Wayne’s bio done soon (the fourth male Robin).  Since I have already promised a reader that I’ll get an Ant-man bio up (he or she probably requested it for the upcoming Ant-man movie), I’ll probably get to Stephanie Brown later on and maybe Carrie Kelley (she was a Robin in the non-cannon graphic novel Dark Knight Returns)  if you guys want (comment below).  But the biggest post this month is going to be a Halloween themed post: The Top 10 Most Disturbing Marvel and DC Characters.  I already came up with a few, but I want you guys to either comment below or on my Facebook fan-page on some characters that you find disturbing.  The rules are basically as long as the character belongs to DC or Marvel, it qualifies (which mean it can be a superhero or villain, although I’ll bet most, if not all, of them will be villains). (more…)

My Top 10 Favorite Batman Villains


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So I sense Gotham has just aired its second episode last week, I figured I should talk about my personal favorite Batman villains.  Now sense I know Batman a lot better than I know Spider-man, this will make things easier.  When I did my Spider-man villains list, I barley could make 10.  But let’s get to the list!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)