Month: February 2017

X-Men (2000) – Review

x-men-2000Hello interweb, Nate here!  So I claim to be such a huge X-Men fan and yet I’ve only seen X-Men: Days of Future’s Past and X-Men: Apocalypse, and I believe I’ve only reviewed the later on here.  (I would give it a quick review but that movie was so forgettable I’d have to rewatch it first.)  Hopefully, I’ll be able to watch and review X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, and X-Men: First Class sooner than later but I don’t know when that’ll be so no promises.  With all that out of the way, let’s get to the review!  Also, not sure whether this is necessary for a 17 year old movie, but SPOILER WARNING just to be on the safe side.

Re: The Hawkeye Initiative

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So a while ago, a Tumblr page called The Hawkeye Initiative was started in wich people attempt to show how ridiculously women are drawn in comic books.  Now if you ever read comic books, you’d know that this isn’t a gendered problem; and in my opinion, it isn’t a problem at all.  Now sometimes these drawings do point out a genuinely ridiculous piece of art, but a lot of these it’s a very simple formula: take a reasonable drawing of a woman, draw Hawkeye in the exact same pose with the exact same body type and exact same clothes, and give him a kissy face.  That should make it obvious why this initiative doesn’t work but I’ll show you some of the art from the site specifically.  Now there are  53 pages worth of content on this site so obviously, I’m not going over every image.  That plus sometimes an image of a girl with a thong is turned into Hawkeye with a thong and his testicles are hanging out of the sides and I’m sure most of my viewers don’t want to see that (and if you do then the link is above so just check it out for yourself).  I’m just going over ten that stands out to me the most and discussing my opinions on that example.  Hopefully, by the time you’re done reading this, you should be able to assess my opinions on most of the images there even if you disagree.  So with that, let’s start!

Disclaimer: All art is owned by the respective comic book companies and all “fan” art is owned by the creators of The Hawkeye Initiative.  I am not in any way, shape, or form responsible for the creation of these images.  I am only responsible for the critiques I give to these images.


Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) – Character Bio

Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)Hello interweb, Nate here.  So I meant to do this Character Bio along side the one I had for Miles Morales/Spider-man a little bit ago but these Character Bios are actually some of the longest posts it takes for me to write since it takes more research than a simple review and requires more details than simply gathering a bunch of facts about a character.  With that said, I absolutely love this character and really wanted a bio out of her for your entertainment and possibly have you guys fall in love with this character if you haven’t already. (more…)