Month: April 2015

100th Post Special – New 52 Justice League: Origins – Review

Justice League OriginsHello interweb, Nate here.  Wow, my 100th post.  It’s kinda hard to believe that I’ve done 100 of these things.  With such a milestone I felt like I should do something special.  Originally I was going to do a countdown but I decided against that as that would be too obvious.  So I wanted to do something different from my past specials.  So I decided to review a comic.  So why this comic?  Well as most of you know by now, the New 52 is ending with Convergence and as such I decided to read arguably the New 52’s best known story: Justice League: Origins (consisting of #1-6 of the New 52’s Justice League).  Of course since this story consists of six issues this will be similar to my Civil War review however this does not have as many characters so I’m not going to put these characters in alphabetical order or anything like that.  So with that said, let’s do this! (more…)

My Opinion on All-New X-Men #40

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Alright, so I’m pretty behind on the current X-Men titles (I talk more about that below) but on Facebook I noticed something rather interesting: Iceman’s gay!  As you can see from the images below (click to enlarge and zoom), in All-New X-Men #40 Iceman, aka Bobby Drake, comes out of the closet. (more…)

Batman V Superman Trailer Review and Explained

Warning:  All of what I’m about to say may very well be me speculating and theorizing.  So if I say something that contradicts something that is revealed later than that is why.  Also just to be on the safe side I’m just going to say there are possible spoilers below but I highly doubt there’s anything that will ruin the movie if I mention it.

Hello interweb, Nate here.  As you can see above, DC/Warner Bros has recently released their teaser trailer for the 2016 film Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (see clip above for full trailer).  Of course this is only a teaser trailer, so I bet this won’t be the last trailer for the movie.  So what do I think?  Let’s see. (more…)

Top 10 Favorite Animated Superhero Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So DC and Marvel are no strangers to animation.  While I haven’t seen every one of these, I have seen quite a few that I’ve really enjoyed.  So today, I’m counting down the 10 I liked the best and the ones I would recommend to anyone.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Convergence: Harley Quinn #1 – Review

Warning: This issue is recent and as such will contain spoilers.  I will have a short spoiler-free section where I vaguely say what happened in the issue as well as my opinion.  Past the spoiler-free section will have spoilersAlso, the “Ratings” section at the bottom of the post will be spoiler-free as well.  You have officially been warned.

Convergence Harley Quinn #1Hello interweb, Nate here.  If you guys have been reading this weeks posts than you already know what’s going on so let’s just start the review! (more…)

Convergence: Batgirl #1

Warning: This issue is recent and as such will contain spoilers.  I will have a short spoiler-free section where I vaguely say what happened in the issue as well as my opinion.  Past the spoiler-free section will have spoilersAlso, the “Ratings” section at the bottom of the post will be spoiler-free as well.  You have officially been warned.

Convergence Batgirl #1Hello interweb, Nate here.  So Monday I talked about what is going on with Convergence, and Yesterday I reviewed Convergence: Superman #1.  Today I review Convergence: Batgirl #1!  Let’s geth this review going! (more…)

Convergence: Superman #1 – Review

Warning: This issue is recent and as such will contain spoilers.  I will have a short spoiler-free section where I vaguely say what happened in the issue as well as my opinion.  Past the spoiler-free section will have spoilersAlso, the “Ratings” section at the bottom of the post will be spoiler-free as well.  You have officially been warned.

Convergence Superman #1Hello interweb, Nate here.  So yesterday I explained what is currently going on with DC and their Convergence comics.  Today, I’m reviewing Convergence: Superman #1.  Let’s roll! (more…)

Comixplanation – Convergence Xplained

ConvergenceHello in interweb, Nate here.  So as most of you, DC has rebooted their comics again with an 9-issue miniseries called Convergence.  While I have not read any of the Convergence comics from the miniseries (I’m just going to wait until it’s collected into a trade), I have read a few of the titles that came out during this event.  The comics I bought wasConvergence: Superman #1, Convergence: Batgirl #1, and Convergence: Harley Quinn #1.  I also wanted to buy Convergence: Speed Force #1 but unfortunately my local comic shop ran out of that specific title.  So I decided that I would review the three convergence title throughout this week but today I’ll explain what exactly is going on with convergence so it’s easier for you guys to follow along. (more…)

1st Anniversary Special – Top 10 Favorite Superheroes

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Wow, 1st anniversary.  1 year ago Tuesday, I sat down at my computer and decided to start blogging about superheroes.  Now look where I am now.  I have 62 followers, my most viewed post has 450 views, and I see no signs of stopping or any reason to.  So how should I celebrate my first year of this blog?  How about by listing my personal Top 10 Favorite Superheroes.  Now you guys might be pointing out that I’ve already did this for DC and Marvel separately, and that is true but inaccurate.  When I made those lists, I tried to get 2 Top 10 lists out on the exact same day.  One of these top 10 lists usually take me about 1-2 hours to make.  So trying to get two lists out on the same day, I made several mistakes in those posts (e.g. forgetting some characters and wrongfully putting certain characters above others that I like better) and as such I decided to make 1 list combining both DC and Marvel superheroes.  So let’s begin!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

New 52 Blue Beetle #3 Metamorphosis Part 3 (of 3) – Review

New 52 Blue Beetle #3Hello interweb, Nate here.  So this is my part 3 of my 3-part New 52 Blue Beetle: Metamorphosis review where I review the first story arc of the New 52 Blue Beetle title.  I explain everything in Part 1, click here for Part 2, now let’s get this review going! (more…)