Month: July 2016

Justice League Trailer Review and Explained

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So during Comic-Con, DC released trailers for both Wonder Woman and Justice League and in my last post I mentioned how I adored the Wonder Woman trailer but the Justice League trailer did leave me with a few minor complaints.  Overall because I feel like I have more interesting things to say about the Justice League trailer I thought I would kick off my reviewing that trailer first and Wonder Woman second.  Now I do want to make it clear that I haven’t seen Batman V Superman yet but by now I have been spoiled so I know quite a few details about the movie.  With that said, let’s begin! (more…)

My Opinion On Comic-Con’s Trailers

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So usually with trailers I take them and I take the frame-by-frame to examine their content and easter eggs and considering the views those posts get I’m assuming you guys are interested in seeing them.  Now I got super busy and I neglected to do some recent trailers like the latest trailers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and Suicide Squad as well as failing to touch upon the first Doctor Strange trailer.  Now I don’t want to do the Ninja Turtles trailer since that movie already hit theaters and the purpose to these types of posts is to see what the movie might be like and make guesses based on the trailer and then watching the movie to see how accurate my guesses are, however if you guys want me to go over the Suicide Squad and Doctor Strange trailers (For Doctor Strange I’ll do both and just do the first trailer first) than let me know in the poll below and I’ll get to those ASAP. (more…)

Comixplanations – Where to start reading Deadpool!

Deadpool IIHello interweb, Nate here! So this is a post that I decided I want to take a crack at because I really haven’t done any type of reading recommendations type post and I’ve been reading quite a lot of Deadpool comics since his movie was announced a few years ago. So because I’ve read so many Deadpool comics and he has quickly became one of my absolute favorite characters. Since I’ve read so much of his comics and he’s quickly becoming one of Marvel’s most popular characters, I thought maybe I could help you guys find fun Deadpool stories if you guys were at all interesting. So with that said, let’s begin! (more…)