Month: September 2018

My thoughts on the “Captain Marvel” trailer

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Hey, remember when I said I’d start posting every Friday?  I f***ing lied!  It’s really hard to keep a consistent schedule when you just don’t have the motivation to do it.  Depression sucks kids, don’t do it!  Ok ok jokes aside…Marvel FINALLY released the Captain Marvel trailer today and of course I have some thoughts.  I wouldn’t say I’m a huge Carol Danvers fan (I do like Kamala Khan though) but I am a fan of the fact that we finally get a Marvel film with a female lead and especially a lead as powerful as Captain Marvel.  I’ve heard rumors said pretty much since 2012 that we’d eventually get a Black Widow movie, but I never really cared for that idea.  Because quite frankly, Black Widow just never really appealed to me.  She has no super powers, which is fine neither does Hawkeye, Iron Man, Batman, etc.  And I love all those characters!  But at least all those characters have some personality quirk or interesting mythos and stories that holds my interest and with BW, she’s just kind of boring.  So Carol Danvers seems like a great character for Marvel’s first female-lead movie and I’m pretty happy about that. (more…)