Month: June 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse – Review

X-Men Apocalypse PosterHello interweb, Nate here.  Why does the X-Men, (un)arguably the greatest superhero team to ever hit comics, get such terrible movies?  Now I really didn’t want to make this review but in the end I’ve been reviewing these movies sense Ant-Man (excluding Deadpool since I can’t watch it yet and I haven’t seen Batman V Superman yet) so let’s just get this over with.  Also just in case you care: spoiler warning. (more…)

My Opinion on X-Men: Apocalypse Billboard Controversy

X-Men Apocalypse BillboardHello interweb, Nate here.  So X-Men: Apocalypse it theaters this past weekend and yes I saw it.  I’ve been slow to review it because to be perfectly honest I really don’t want to.  It was bad as to be expected from a Bryan Singer X-Man movie and as the huge X-Men fan that I am it did kinda just annoy me on how poorly they adapted the characters for the film.  Now with that said, I will review the movie and that review will probably be up either tonight or tomorrow but in the mean time the advertisement for the film seems to be attracting more controversy than the film itself. (more…)