Author: superduperawesomeguy

My Opinion On The Teased MCU Phase 5 Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So when Phase 4 of the MCU was announced during Comic Con, Kevin Feige also dropped some Phase 5 films that are currently in development.  My guess is that Marvel basically just wants to reassure us that yes the movies that we expect sequels for are, indeed, getting sequels and yes the movies they just recently got the rights to are, indeed, getting movies.  That’s my guess anyways, but I wanted to discuss some of these movies.  Because there are no particular order for these movies yet, I’ll talk about them in no particular order.Well, except for Blade…


My Opinions on the MCU Phase 4 Announcements

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So all of you probably know by now that Kevin Feige made a splash at Comic Con with his Marvel Phase 4 announcements and I, for one, was thrilled at everything they revealed.  I’m just gonna go into my general thoughts first before I tackle each individual property in more depth, but before I do that I wanted to discuss some future plans I have for this blog.  Soon after this post is published, I will be working on my ranking of every individual Marvel superhero in the MCU from Phases 1-3, so if you’re interested in seeing my thoughts on all of these characters stay tuned for that.  After that, I’m going to start reviewing the MCU movies I’ve missed due to my long absence from this blog only back words from when they were released.  This means my very next review will be on Avengers: Endgame, then Captain MarvelSpider-man: Into the Spider-Verse (yes, I realize that’s not an MCU property, but I absolutely loved it and wanted to review it anyways), and wrapping up with Ant-Man and the Wasp.  So, keep an eye out for those reviews coming soon!

In addition, last year I announced that I was going to do a “Ben 10 Week” where I review each series of the franchise and the movies that comes with it.  However, this came soon before I had some personal struggles that killed this blog for a while.  I do intend on completing “Ben 10 Week” but the specific details will be revealed as I finalize those reviews.  The Ben 10 franchise is a franchise that means a lot to me so I really want to do this justice and do a good job on explaining why the series is so great and deserve more love.  With that said, let’s get into what this post is actually about!  Marvel: Phase 4! (more…)

Ranking all 23 MCU Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So it seems like every Marvel fan on the internet is ranking all 23 (or 22, if you made this before Far From Home) movies produced by the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the first story arc of the MCU has finally come to an end.  Because of this, I decided to take a crack at it!  So here’s my personal ranking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it currently exist in July of 2019.  Cause that’s when this list was made!  Duh! (more…)

Spider-man: Far From Home – Review

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So, this movie kind of re-inspired me to get back into blogging.  So, maybe I can rebuild this place a bit?  Anyways, non-spoiler review?  Well, I can do that one one sentance: Marvel made an actual Spider-man movie this time!  Definitely watch it while it’s still in theaters!  Believe me, the trailers make this movie look more underwhelming then it actually is!  But now, SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!


Ben 10 Vs The Justice League (1V1)

Hello interweb, Nate here.  No, I’m not dead!  But this blog basically is.  So screw it.  idk if anyone honestly cares about this blog anymore sense I post so infrequently now.  I mean, I didn’t even post an Endgame review when the movie came out despite seeing it opening weekend.  If 5 people comment below saying they want an Endgame review, I’ll make it.  Otherwise, I’m just posting now for my own amusement. Anyways, onto the topic at hand…a few weeks ago the YouTube channel Death Battle posted a battle between Ben 10 and Green Lantern.  As both a Ben 10 fan and a DC fan, I had major issues with the battle but quite frankly the YouTuber Kuro the Artist already mentioned literally all of my issues in his analysis, so if you care enough to see the issues with that battle just watch Kuro’s video.  However, this did get me to thinking.  In my opinion, Ben would definitely win a battle against Hal Jordan, but what about the rest of the league?  Now, that’s where this post comes in.  I do have a few caveats though.  So, here are the rules…


Update – Whatcha guys wanna see?

Hello interweb.  I’m not dead, but this blog is getting there.  So, I wanna try (again) to start blogging regularly.  I’m not gonna give a consistent schedule cause everybody knows I won’t follow it.  But, I will be making some new posts.  So, I have a few ideas for me next post but I was wondering what you guys wanted to see.  The suggestions are below so vote for the ideas you like best (you can vote for more then one).

Power Scaling all of Ben’s Aliens

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So quite recently, a YouTuber by the moniker “Kuro the Artist” recently released a video in which he power scales all of Ben’s aliens from weakest to strongest.  If you haven’t seen the video, you can check it out here.  Being the mega Ben 10 fan I am, I had some issues with his scaling of these aliens.  So I figured I’d try it out for myself and list every single alien Ben has used from weakest to strongest.  Now, some of my list will be similar to Kuro’s but I will have deviations here and there.  I’m using similar rules as his video (No fusions or Ultimate forms nor any future aliens) as to keep these consistent.  I’m also using the same tiering system he uses since that’s honestly a really easy way for me to rank these aliens since I could just divide all these aliens among the different tiers and then organize them within each tier.  So, let’s start! (more…)

Venom – Review

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So, non-spoiler opinions?  It was…okay.  If you’re looking for a Venom movie, you probably won’t find it here.  Wanna see Spider-man fight Venom?  Not this movie.  Wanna see the split personality?  Not this movie.  Wanna see Eddie Brock get addicted to the symbiote?  Not this movie.  If you’re looking for a movie with complex characters and dynamic relationships that you can enjoy, you won’t find it here.  What you will find is a dumb action movie with actually really interesting concepts but are executed somewhat poorly.  Like, the script should’ve went through one more editing stage before this thing was filmed.  You’ll probably have fun watching it, I sure did, but you’ll have to turn your brain off and disassociate everything you know about Venom from this movie in order to do so.  Okay, from here on out SPOILER WARNING and let’s begin! (more…)

My thoughts on the “Captain Marvel” trailer

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Hey, remember when I said I’d start posting every Friday?  I f***ing lied!  It’s really hard to keep a consistent schedule when you just don’t have the motivation to do it.  Depression sucks kids, don’t do it!  Ok ok jokes aside…Marvel FINALLY released the Captain Marvel trailer today and of course I have some thoughts.  I wouldn’t say I’m a huge Carol Danvers fan (I do like Kamala Khan though) but I am a fan of the fact that we finally get a Marvel film with a female lead and especially a lead as powerful as Captain Marvel.  I’ve heard rumors said pretty much since 2012 that we’d eventually get a Black Widow movie, but I never really cared for that idea.  Because quite frankly, Black Widow just never really appealed to me.  She has no super powers, which is fine neither does Hawkeye, Iron Man, Batman, etc.  And I love all those characters!  But at least all those characters have some personality quirk or interesting mythos and stories that holds my interest and with BW, she’s just kind of boring.  So Carol Danvers seems like a great character for Marvel’s first female-lead movie and I’m pretty happy about that. (more…)