Marvel Comics

My Opinions on the MCU Phase 4 Announcements

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So all of you probably know by now that Kevin Feige made a splash at Comic Con with his Marvel Phase 4 announcements and I, for one, was thrilled at everything they revealed.  I’m just gonna go into my general thoughts first before I tackle each individual property in more depth, but before I do that I wanted to discuss some future plans I have for this blog.  Soon after this post is published, I will be working on my ranking of every individual Marvel superhero in the MCU from Phases 1-3, so if you’re interested in seeing my thoughts on all of these characters stay tuned for that.  After that, I’m going to start reviewing the MCU movies I’ve missed due to my long absence from this blog only back words from when they were released.  This means my very next review will be on Avengers: Endgame, then Captain MarvelSpider-man: Into the Spider-Verse (yes, I realize that’s not an MCU property, but I absolutely loved it and wanted to review it anyways), and wrapping up with Ant-Man and the Wasp.  So, keep an eye out for those reviews coming soon!

In addition, last year I announced that I was going to do a “Ben 10 Week” where I review each series of the franchise and the movies that comes with it.  However, this came soon before I had some personal struggles that killed this blog for a while.  I do intend on completing “Ben 10 Week” but the specific details will be revealed as I finalize those reviews.  The Ben 10 franchise is a franchise that means a lot to me so I really want to do this justice and do a good job on explaining why the series is so great and deserve more love.  With that said, let’s get into what this post is actually about!  Marvel: Phase 4! (more…)

Ranking all 23 MCU Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So it seems like every Marvel fan on the internet is ranking all 23 (or 22, if you made this before Far From Home) movies produced by the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the first story arc of the MCU has finally come to an end.  Because of this, I decided to take a crack at it!  So here’s my personal ranking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it currently exist in July of 2019.  Cause that’s when this list was made!  Duh! (more…)

Let’s talk about the X-Men

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So, this is something that has been on my mind as of late.  Mainly due to the recent news of Disney buying Fox being pretty much confirmed at this point.  The X-Men will definitely be part of the MCU in the future.  Now despite that news, I’m not going to be talking about my thoughts on it at this time.  I already did that back in 2015 (yes, this it really has been that long) and you can read my full thoughts here.  Instead, I kinda just want to discuss this particular team in general for a bit.  This post will probably be somewhat of a rambly mess because I actually don’t have any clear idea of what I want to talk about as I’m writing this, but here goes nothing! (more…)

Deadpool 2 – Review

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So I saw this movie a few weeks ago but just haven’t really found the time to review it until now.  So here’s probably the last review of this movie you’ll see on the internet for a while hehe.  Anyways, non spoiler thoughts?  I think I like this movie better then the first one, but my reasoning is slightly biased as I’ll explain a bit more in this review.  If you liked the first film, you’ll love this one.  It’s just as funny, has more characters, and has a more interesting story to it.  So now that that’s done, leggo!  SPOILER WARNING as per usual.

Marvel’s Runaways Season 1 – Review

Hello interweb, Nate here!  This might be the first time I’ve ever reviewed one of these streaming shows.  I wanted to review season 1 of Jessica Jones forever ago but just didn’t.  However, the season 1 finale of Marvel’s Runaways just concluded today and I’ve never wanted to talk about a show more!  Spoiler-free opinion?  It’s awesome!  Go watch it!!! Only major criticism is that the season is less Marvel’s “Runaways” and more so Marvel’s “Hideaways”, and I’ll get more into that in the actual review.  Also, Karolina is indeed gay in this for those of you who cares.  Ok, from here on out SPOILER WARNING!!!!!! You have been warned!  (And seriously, if you haven’t seen the show yet please do not read this review.) (more…)

Ranking the 2017 Comic Book Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here!  Few things before we get started.  First, I apologize for the lack of content on this site as of late.  As I’ve stated before, I recently started college and that has been taking up more of my time.  Whenever I’m not studying, I’m just too tired to really care about blogging to I just don’t.  I am hoping that will change in 2018 since I do enjoy doing this.  Second, I have not reviewed Thor: Ragnarok or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and I have yet to see Justice League.  Which means unfortunately this year my ranking will be incomplete.  I apologize for that.  Although, let’s face it, Justice League would’ve probably been the worst movie of the year considering all the other movies out.  Third, my original Christmas special idea didn’t really attract anyone’s attention so I decided not to do it.  Sorry!

Although, I do want to ask.  Do you guys even want to see me review Thor and GotG?  I’m still on break so I have time to review these films if you want me to.  Although at this point, it feels like a review would be too late to be relevant.  It’s up to you guys at this point!  With that said, leggo! (more…)