Month: October 2016

You Guys Decide My 100 Follower Special!!!

Hello interweb, Nate here. So I just hit 100 followers! Yay! So what am I going to do to celibate this moment? Well, you guys enjoy my Character Bios so much that I thought you guys  could pick a character and I’ll get a bio up.  Bios take a while to make due to the research and the amount of detail I put into them which is why I rarely do them, but for a 100 follower special I figured I might as well get one together for you guys.

Comment below with the character you want me to do a bio for and I’ll pick my favorite option.  If you have a blog then I’ll give it a shout out!  The opportunity to suggest a character will end on October 15th and hopefully I’ll have a Bio up by the 20th.  The only rule that really needs to be followed is that I’ll most likely be picking a character owned by Marvel or DC Comics but otherwise I want the character options to be as free as possible.  Also, please only pick one character.  I don’t want to end up with one person recommending like 50 characters in a single comment.  So with that, have a happy Halloween and thank you all for getting me to where I am now!

Update: Slight delay.  I have the Character Bio almost complete!  Probably will be up by Saturday the 29th!

Deadpool – Review

deadpool-posterHello interweb, Nate here!  So I FINALLY got to see Deadpool that hit theaters all the way back in February.  Why did it take so long?  Who cares!  The point is I finally saw one of my favorite comic book characters on the big screen and I’m finally going to check out his awesome film.  Now in case you haven’t seen the movie yet I should give the SPOILER WARNING even though there’s really nothing to spoil.  With that, shall we begin?

My Opinion On Wonder Woman Coming out as “Queer”

wonder-woman-4Hello interweb, Nate here!  So recent news broke out where Greg Rucka, the writer of the current Wonder Woman comics, has confirmed in an interview that Wonder Woman was…interested and had romantic relationships with women!  Yeah, he really didn’t place an official label on her as being “gay” or “bisexual” but he pretty much confirmed that Wonder Woman is at least queer.  So is this a win for LGBT peoples everywhere or another attempt at forced diversity? (more…)