
Batman V Superman Trailer Review and Explained

Warning:  All of what I’m about to say may very well be me speculating and theorizing.  So if I say something that contradicts something that is revealed later than that is why.  Also just to be on the safe side I’m just going to say there are possible spoilers below but I highly doubt there’s anything that will ruin the movie if I mention it.

Hello interweb, Nate here.  As you can see above, DC/Warner Bros has recently released their teaser trailer for the 2016 film Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (see clip above for full trailer).  Of course this is only a teaser trailer, so I bet this won’t be the last trailer for the movie.  So what do I think?  Let’s see. (more…)

Top 10 Favorite Animated Superhero Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So DC and Marvel are no strangers to animation.  While I haven’t seen every one of these, I have seen quite a few that I’ve really enjoyed.  So today, I’m counting down the 10 I liked the best and the ones I would recommend to anyone.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

7 Things That Batman V Superman Needs To Do

Batman V Superman Dawn of JusticeHello interweb, Nate here.  Okay, I think I’m done with the “NonComic Month”  Because of how busy I was last week I didn’t get last weeks post and now I honestly don’t really want to finish it but it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if you guys want me to finish it.  So below I have a poll asking you guys what you think.

Anyhoo, so information about the upcoming DC movie Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice has been coming out ever since Man of Steel and as far as I can tell it’s a Justice League prequel that’s going to use Lex Luthor as the villain to get the Justice League together (why exactly can’t they just call this the first Justice League movie?). Basically everybody who likes DC right now is crossing their fingers that this movie will actually be good but many out there doubting it’ll be all that good and/or will be overshadowed by Captain America: Civil War which is taking place the same year and is basically Captain America V Iron Man in a sense.  So I already talked about how I’m, hoping the DCCU won’t just be good, but better than the MCU (even though I think I’m just getting my hopes up and I might be disappointed).  So here are 7 things that needs to happen in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here.  (Also I’d like to note that yes this is my first list that isn’t a top 5 or a top 10 but I wanted to talk about all of these factors and I couldn’t think of anything else) (more…)

Comixplanation – How the DCCU Can Beat the MCU

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Okay, let’s get a few things out of the way: yes I’m still going to finish NonComic Month, yes this post is technically breaking the whole “no comics allowed” rule for this month, and yes this is the new series (that you guys probably forgot that it was even mentioned by now) that I mentioned in my New Years Special.  This new series I call Comixplanation as I give xplanations on things in relation to comix (see what I did there?).  Now one thing is after DC announced their Convergence event (yet another DC event made to reboot their universe) I bet you guys kinda thought I would talk about it as I seemed pretty excited when I talked about Marvel’s Secret Wars event.  The only difference is this is Marvel’s first multiverse-wide reboot while DC is rebooting their universe after they just rebooted it with Flashpoint and the New 52 5 years ago and honestly I never did care for the New 52.  So while I’m excited about Secret Wars I’m really ticked about Convergence (where do I get in line?) and really don’t want to talk about it right now.

So anyways, one thing that I’m kinda excited and kinda nervous about at the same time is the upcoming DCCU (DC Cinematic Universe).  Now I have to admit, I never really wanted to pick sides in the whole “Marvel Vs DC” debate (even making a whole post about it) but that was mostly because I was always worried that if I publicly stated that I like X better than Y than you guys would start thinking that I disliked or even hated Y even though I love Y, I just like X a little more.  Now that I see how stupid that is I’m just going to come out and say it: I like DC a little more than I like Marvel.  I won’t go into the details here (that probably deserves a whole post all to itself) but it does go to show that I really want the DCCU to succeed even though the movie Man of Steel kinda makes me nervous about the whole ordeal.  So here are some ways that the DCCU could be better than the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and whether this is just me giving myself false hope or these facts will contribute in one way/shape/form will be seen in the future. Also, it should be noted that “could”=/=”will”, these are all theoretical and may not actually work out. (more…)

10 Movies That I Want to See Be Made + Aquaman’s Batman V Superman Design

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Sorry I didn’t post yesterday but as I promised on my Facebook page (which you should really follow as I do post updates and share recent news every once in while up there) I am posting this today.  So anyways, Marvel and DC has a bunch of movies that have been announced so a while ago I posted the ten that I’m most excited for.  Now, here’s 10 movies that I would like them to try and make.  Just for clarity, I personally believe there are two reasons for making live-action superhero movies: 1. to bring these characters that we’ve only seen in drawings and possibly cartoons come to life, and 2. to introduce new people to the characters and possibly get them curious enough to pick up one of their comic books.  So these suggestions are going to be towards both or one of those categories.

Also, I said in a recent post that I would try and get at least one Character Bio out every month but the X-23 Character Bio I’m working on still needs some fine tuning.  I’m almost done with it, but it’s just so incredibly long that I doubt anybody would want to read the whole thing so I’m trying to shorten it down some without losing any important information.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

My Opinion On Spider-man Coming Home, Superman’s New Suit and Powers, and the Fantastic Four Teaser Trailers

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So there has been quite a bit of superhero news going on lately and sense I have some extra time I figured I can spend it talking about the recent announcements.  So I have three things I want to talk about.  The first thing is about Spider-man and how Sony and Marvel/Disney has recently came up with an agreement on the rights (I’ve already somewhat talked about this in a previous post so click here to see what I said before on the matter).  The second thing is about Superman and how in New 52 Superman #38 Superman has a brand new power (because he doesn’t have enough already, lol) and a brand new suit.  The last thing is just a quick little review to the Fantastic Four teaser trailer.  So let’s get started! (more…)

Green Arrow Vs Hawkeye – Character Compare

Green Arrow Vs Hawkeye

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So my most popular post with 337 views is my Quicksilver Vs Flash – Character Compare and I haven’t really went back on this series for some reason.  So I’m going to try and do a few more of these only I’m changing the rules very very slightly so if you haven’t read QS Vs Flash then go check it out and you can see what the original rules were but the rules for this Character Compare are below. (more…)

Ant-man (Hank Pym) – Character Bio

Ant-manHello interweb, Nate here.  A while ago (can’t remember when) requested a character bio about Ant-man (I assume do to the upcoming Ant-man movie).  While I had this bio almost finished, I learned that the Ant-man the movie will be focusing on is not Hank Pym, but his successor Scott Lang.  This ticked me off (pun unintended) not only because that mean I’ve been spending weeks working on the Character Bio of the wrong character, but the Ant-man I personally have been waiting to show up ever since the first Avengers movie came out won’t be coming.  Either way, I’m not going to let this change make me throw away this bio simply because they chose the wrong Ant-man so here you guys go.  Whether or not I’ll do Scott Lang is unknown right now, I may do him closer to the movie’s release date (July 17) or not at all.  Either way here’s Hank Pym’s Character Bio, you can see my other Character Bios here.


My Opinion On The End of the Marvel Universe

Secret Wars

Hello interweb, Nate here.  No, this is not a “Gotcha!” post, Marvel Comics has recently announced that they are going all Flashpoint and New 52 on us and totally rebooting the multiverse.  I go more in-depth about this reboot below but I just want to tell you guys that my Ant-man Character Bio will be posted on Friday.  Like I said last week, I have the Bio done and was going to post it today but I really wanted to talk about this.  I’m doing it Friday because I don’t want to hold it back anymore so I should post it some time this week.

Also I realized that I’ve been doing the End Polls without actually telling you guys the results of said polls.  So I should probably start.  So last week I asked you guys which Bio you guys want to read first: X-23, Blue Beetle, and Static and with 2 votes X-23 was the winner with Blue Beetle and Static both gaining 1 vote each.  So you guys can expect her Bio to be posted sometime in late February but after that you guys can expect to see Blue Beetle and Static.  These Bios do take more time then most posts to make since I do spend some time researching their histories but I have decided that I’ll try and get at least one Bio out per month as you guys obviously love these types of posts.  With all that said, let’s get to the major news! (more…)

My Opinion on The Future of Spider-man Films


Hello interweb, Nate here.  Before I continue I just want to say that my Civil War Review is almost done and will be up  by Monday.  I’m reviewing all 7 issues all at once so it may be a longer review than normal.

With that said, the biggest news going around about superhero films is the controversy over Spider-man’s film rights as recent emails has been leaked about Marvel/Disney studios trying to buy the rights to Spider-man back from Sony and rebooting the Spider-man film franchise and replacing Andrew Garfield (and I’m assuming the rest of the cast).  So what are my thoughts on this? let’s see. (more…)