Top 10s (and 5s)

Top 10 Favorite Original Supervillains – NonComic Month

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So this is the second week of NonComic Month where I take a look at Superheroes that didn’t originate from the comics. Last week we looked at my top 10 favorite superheroes that did not start out in the comics, but of course where’s a superhero if you don’t have a villain for him to fight?  Where’s Superman without Lex Luthor?  Or Spider-man without Green Goblin?  Or Batman Without Joker?  Or Wonder Woman without…uh…Cheatah??? (Seriously, Wonder Woman needs better villains).  Anyhoo, here are my favorite supervillains that did not originate from the comics!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Top 10 Favorite Original Superheroes – NonComic Month

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So today’s the first Monday of March, you know what that means!… (pause for effect) …  NonComic Month!  This is where I take all of March to focus on Superheroes that are outside the comic books.  Sure a few of these guys did get a comic book series after their debut, but they all debuted outside the comic.  Now when I first talked about NonComic Month, I gave a schedule for this month (that did say wasn’t set in stone yet) but I decided to change it slightly so the new schedule is below.  I’ll try my very best to not change this new schedule  But now on to the list!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

10 Movies That I Want to See Be Made + Aquaman’s Batman V Superman Design

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Sorry I didn’t post yesterday but as I promised on my Facebook page (which you should really follow as I do post updates and share recent news every once in while up there) I am posting this today.  So anyways, Marvel and DC has a bunch of movies that have been announced so a while ago I posted the ten that I’m most excited for.  Now, here’s 10 movies that I would like them to try and make.  Just for clarity, I personally believe there are two reasons for making live-action superhero movies: 1. to bring these characters that we’ve only seen in drawings and possibly cartoons come to life, and 2. to introduce new people to the characters and possibly get them curious enough to pick up one of their comic books.  So these suggestions are going to be towards both or one of those categories.

Also, I said in a recent post that I would try and get at least one Character Bio out every month but the X-23 Character Bio I’m working on still needs some fine tuning.  I’m almost done with it, but it’s just so incredibly long that I doubt anybody would want to read the whole thing so I’m trying to shorten it down some without losing any important information.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Top 10 Reasons Why I Dislike Wolverine

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So I originally had nothing planned today but a friend of mine (who knows I dislike this character) sent me a link to a post where this guy is explaining why Wolverine is apparently the best Superhero ever (according to him, even better than Batman).  I’m not going to send you guys a link to the post as I don’t want to make this a response to his post (even though you can argue that it technically is) but I have said several times that I don’t like Wolverine and you guys as well as some of my friends has asked me why I don’t like wolverine, and I always say “I don’t know, I just don’t” as I know that Wolverine is some of your guys’ favorite superhero and I don’t want anyone getting mad at me for bashing on their favorite superhero.  So tell you guys what, if I explain why I dislike Wolverine, then you guys don’t get too angry at me.  You can criticize my reasons all you want in the comments below, and if you don’t want to hear me bash this guy than you can simply not read this post.  So with all that said, here’s what’s bound to be my most controversial post yet

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Valentine’s Day Special – Top 10 Favorite Couples

Hello interweb, Nate here.  Okay, to put it short and simple, I’m a 15-year old guy who enjoys the superhero genre not for the romance but for the action and adventure.  With that said, there has been a few couples that I have liked over the years and since this is the season of love I figured I should make a list about them.  So whether or not the mention of romance makes you go “Aww!” or “Ew!” this is My Top 10 Favorite Couples.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Martin Luther King Jr Day Special – Top 10 Favorite Black Superheroes


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So everyone knows about Martin Luther King Jr. and how he fought for Black-American’s rights and all that right?  I could go on about his history but you guys probably have either heard the story countless times or you have some books lying around your school’s library.  Despite me brushing this story off to get to the list, this is a very important holiday and as thus should have a list dedicated towards it.  So in celebration of Martin Luther King and his “I Have a Dream” speech, I’m counting down my Top 10 Favorite Black Superheroes.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

My Top 10 Favorite Spider-man Suits


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So not too long ago, the YouTube channel VariantComics (who you guys definitely need to check out if your a comic book lover) created their (or his?) Top 10 Best Spider-man Costumes! and we all know I like doing things other people have done but putting my twist on it.  I also felt the need to do this list as the more I though about it the more I realized that there are a lot of awesome Spider-man suits made that didn’t make his list that I absolutely love.  So if you want to see his list, click the link above.  But here’s my favorite costumed owned by a Spidey character!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

New Years Special – My Top 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2014


Happy New Year interweb, Nate here.  So the schedule of this post is kind of confusing as I meant for this to be my very first post on my blog of 2015, but obviously it isn’t since yesterday I posted my Civil War Review as I’ve been holding back on that post for quite some time now and I felt that it needed to get posted.  So while this technically isn’t the first post of 2015, I might treat it as it is as there are things I plan on doing with this new year.

Before I get to talking about what’s yet to come I should get us introduced to this post.  So I’ve had this blog for 9 months now (excluding this month), I have a total of 49 followers, and my most viewed post has had 273 views.  Now in comparison to other big blogs that may not be that big, but I’m 15-years old I have 49 people who has basically said “I like the content on this blog” and my most viewed post has 273 views.  Honestly, how many 15-year old can honestly say what I have just said?  Not a lot.  So honestly, thank you guys for reading this blog and supported me through 2014.  And I bet this paragraph has definitely shown that I’m a modest person :P.  So this post is going to be based purely by views.  No favoritism, no biases, no anything in that nature (except I am taking the Character Bio Format as that’s technically isn’t a post and would have normally made the number 5 spot on here).

With the upcoming posts I have several things in the works.  For one my Ant-Man Character Bio is almost done and originally I was going to wait til closer to the release date, but considering that this thing comes out in July I’m probably going to simply post it within a couple of weeks.  I also have several other Character Bios and Character Compares in the works so keep an eye out for those.  I’m just going to go ahead and spoil one of each, for the Character Bio you can expect to see one on X-23 and a Character Compare comparing Green Arrow to Hawkeye.  There is also a brand new series that I have planed that will probably debute some time this month or early on next month.  So a huge chunk of 2015 will be the usual Top 10s (or 5s), Character Bios, Character Compares, and an unannounced series.  And with that monster of announcements, let’s go over to out list!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Christmas Special – Top 5 Superhero Cartoon Christmas Specials


Merry Christmas interweb, Nate here.  And I am full of cheer.  As this is Christmas week, and a Christmas themed post is what I seek.  So I have found for you five Christmas specials, not two.  From superhero cartoons you see, and reading this post has no fee.  And while my rhymes might be bad, you have to admit that my effort is pretty rad.  This was done first by CinemaSins‘s video titled Everything Wrong With How The Grinch Stole Christmas – Again – With Nostalgia Critic , and I thought this was cool for Christmas, I had to admit it.  And while I know it’s because it was based off a book Dr. Seuss has done, does that really mean I can’t join in on the fun?  So I have held back my Civil War Review, again, to do this Christmas post that’ll be read by few.  So grab your egg nog and snuggle up with your dog, this is the top 5 superhero Christmas episodes!  Try not to get cold.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Top Favorite 5 Original Superhero Cartoons


Hello interweb, Nate here.  Yes, I said today I would review Civil War.  Unfortunately while I started the review, I don’t have time to finish it.  I take guitar lessons and yesterday I participated in a student concert where anyone who takes music lessons by the same music teachers shows of a song they learned to their family and friends (I did Skillet’s Hero with this video played behind me).  I also have my World History midterms today so I need to study for those.

So I figured since I haven’t posted anything major since before I left for Mexico I should probably make something for you guys to read.  And since I’ve already made My Top 10 Favorite Superhero Cartoons that are based of of comic books, why don’t I talk about those that aren’t based off of comic books.  After all, this blog’s called Superheroes Etc., not Marvel and DC Only.

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)