An Update – Is this blog dying?

Hello interwed, Nate here!  So, a few things I want to get off my chest.  If you are a regular reader of mine, you’ve probably been noticing that I haven’t been writing as frequently as I used to.  This blog is about four years old and I’ve enjoyed making it and updating it and receiving feedback from you guys.   However, as of recent there’s been a few things that have slowly been killing my passion for writing on this blog and I feel it shows. (more…)

Marvel’s Runaways Season 1 – Review

Hello interweb, Nate here!  This might be the first time I’ve ever reviewed one of these streaming shows.  I wanted to review season 1 of Jessica Jones forever ago but just didn’t.  However, the season 1 finale of Marvel’s Runaways just concluded today and I’ve never wanted to talk about a show more!  Spoiler-free opinion?  It’s awesome!  Go watch it!!! Only major criticism is that the season is less Marvel’s “Runaways” and more so Marvel’s “Hideaways”, and I’ll get more into that in the actual review.  Also, Karolina is indeed gay in this for those of you who cares.  Ok, from here on out SPOILER WARNING!!!!!! You have been warned!  (And seriously, if you haven’t seen the show yet please do not read this review.) (more…)

Ranking the Most Anticipated Comic Book Movies of 2018

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So it’s been tradition for three years now to rank the movies I’m in most anticipation for in the upcoming year.  This year’s no different.  This year is really interesting.  While most of the films this year seems to be pretty much trash, there are some gems in there.  And these gems are huge!  So, leggo! (more…)

Ranking the 2017 Comic Book Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here!  Few things before we get started.  First, I apologize for the lack of content on this site as of late.  As I’ve stated before, I recently started college and that has been taking up more of my time.  Whenever I’m not studying, I’m just too tired to really care about blogging to I just don’t.  I am hoping that will change in 2018 since I do enjoy doing this.  Second, I have not reviewed Thor: Ragnarok or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and I have yet to see Justice League.  Which means unfortunately this year my ranking will be incomplete.  I apologize for that.  Although, let’s face it, Justice League would’ve probably been the worst movie of the year considering all the other movies out.  Third, my original Christmas special idea didn’t really attract anyone’s attention so I decided not to do it.  Sorry!

Although, I do want to ask.  Do you guys even want to see me review Thor and GotG?  I’m still on break so I have time to review these films if you want me to.  Although at this point, it feels like a review would be too late to be relevant.  It’s up to you guys at this point!  With that said, leggo! (more…)

Avengers: Infinity Wars – First Trailer!!!

Hello interweb, Nate here!  Considering that this video already has 14 million views at the time of this writing, you’ve probably already seen this trailer already.  So me telling you that the first Avengers: Infinity War trailer is out would be redundant.  However, it’s still pretty awesome that this thing is out!  Just like my last post, this won’t be a formal Review and Explain segment.  I really wish I had the time to give this trailer the attention it deserves, but college is technically more important that Marvel movies (technically).  So, you get this instead!  I’ll just discuss the highlights here and my thoughts on the trailer as a whole.

The New Mutants First Trailer Dropped and I’m Kinda Confused

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So I have barely touched this blog in a very long time.  Unfortunately, college has been eating away at my time more than high school ever did.  When I do have free time I’m doing other activities instead of writing.  Kind of a shame too.  I’ve been really wanting to get my review of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 out, just haven’t found the time to start the damn thing.  However, the first New Mutants trailer dropped last night and being the major X-Men fan I am I wanted to get my thoughts out there.  Usually in trailer reviews I take a trailer and analyze it bit by bit.  Not this time.  I would, but I just don’t have the time to dedicate to a formal Review and Explain segment.  So you’re stuck with this little post. (more…)

IT (2017) – Review

Hello interweb, Nate here!  I feel kinda bad that I’m reviewing this film instead of Batman and Harley Quinn or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but I’ve been busy with college and quite frankly I really wanted to talk about this movie so here we go!  I might get those reviews out if I get myself motivated to do so.  Plus I recently saw Tim Burton’s Batman from 1989 so I might review that too!  As always, SPOILER WARNING!

Batman: The Killing Joke – Review (Republished)

Batman-The Killing JokeHello interweb, Nate here! So a while back I reviewed the animated movie Batman: The Killing Joke. Now I just got done watching the recent animated movie Batman and Harley Quinn and I was in the process of writing up a review of the film. I made a reference to this review and when I went to link my Batman and Harley Quinn review to this one I realized that this review reverted back into a draft. I’m not quite sure why this is or what happened but I decided to republish it with as few edits as possible. This is, word-for-word, my original review of the animated movie. I guess you could consider this a “Lost episode” if you want. Anyways, this is a spoiler warning review and enjoy! Stay tuned for my review of the Batman and Harley Quinn animated movie!

I am not looking forwards to Justice League

Hello interweb, Nate here!  The format to this post will be different than most. This is because I am currently away on vacation and therefore don’t have access to a computer at the moment. Meaning, this post is primarily made on a smartphone. So if this post looks a little funnier than most of my articles, or if there is more grammar issues ( as in more than usual) I apologize in advance. I may look back once I get home and edit some of the grammar issues or funny formatting, but I’m not promising anything. I am mostly making this post because I am bored and this is a topic I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while now. (more…)

Everything Wrong With: “The Dark Knight Returns” Pt. 3

Hello interweb, Nate here!  Finally, here’s part 3 to my Everything Wrong With: “The Dark Knight Returns” series!  One more to go after this one!  Hopefully it won’t take as long to get out there for you guys lol.  Sorry about the wait, by the way!

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own Batman or this comic.  Batman is owned by DC comics, this comic is written and drawn by Frank Miller. (more…)