Top 10s (and 5s)

Ranking all 23 MCU Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So it seems like every Marvel fan on the internet is ranking all 23 (or 22, if you made this before Far From Home) movies produced by the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the first story arc of the MCU has finally come to an end.  Because of this, I decided to take a crack at it!  So here’s my personal ranking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it currently exist in July of 2019.  Cause that’s when this list was made!  Duh! (more…)

Top 10 Favourite Ben 10 Aliens

Hello interweb, Nate here!  If you weren’t aware of this, yesterday I uploaded my top 10 least favorite aliens from the Ben 10 franchise.  I decided to go with my least favorite first mainly just because I felt like ranting a bit so it just made sense to use my least favorites list before my favorite.  It’s kind of based on that logic that if you love something enough you’re a bit harsher to the thing’s faults.  Or maybe that’s just me.  I really love this franchise, but over the decade of its existence, it’s had a few stinky moments.  Aliens that frustrate me, retcons that makes no sense, etc.  However, today we are not here to rant.  Today, we’re looking at the best of the best.  The greatest aliens that this series has produced!  Let’s get started!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

My Top 10 WORST Ben 10 Aliens

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So this summer, I plan on reviewing every single Ben 10 series (and hopefully movie) from the original 2005 series to the reboot.  Ben 10 has been a special show to me that has had a huge effect on my childhood, so I wanted to spend some time on this blog showing how great the series is.  But unfortunately, with my college finals coming up, I don’t have a lot of time to work on these reviews yet.  So until then, I decided to make two top 10 lists back to back: my favorite and least favorite of the Ben 10 aliens.  As you can tell by the title of this article, you’re looking at my least favorite first.  The worst of the worst! (In my opinion).  My favorites will be uploaded later today.  With that said, let’s begin!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Ranking the Most Anticipated Comic Book Movies of 2018

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So it’s been tradition for three years now to rank the movies I’m in most anticipation for in the upcoming year.  This year’s no different.  This year is really interesting.  While most of the films this year seems to be pretty much trash, there are some gems in there.  And these gems are huge!  So, leggo! (more…)

Ranking the 2017 Comic Book Movies

Hello interweb, Nate here!  Few things before we get started.  First, I apologize for the lack of content on this site as of late.  As I’ve stated before, I recently started college and that has been taking up more of my time.  Whenever I’m not studying, I’m just too tired to really care about blogging to I just don’t.  I am hoping that will change in 2018 since I do enjoy doing this.  Second, I have not reviewed Thor: Ragnarok or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and I have yet to see Justice League.  Which means unfortunately this year my ranking will be incomplete.  I apologize for that.  Although, let’s face it, Justice League would’ve probably been the worst movie of the year considering all the other movies out.  Third, my original Christmas special idea didn’t really attract anyone’s attention so I decided not to do it.  Sorry!

Although, I do want to ask.  Do you guys even want to see me review Thor and GotG?  I’m still on break so I have time to review these films if you want me to.  Although at this point, it feels like a review would be too late to be relevant.  It’s up to you guys at this point!  With that said, leggo! (more…)

Top 10 Favorite LGBT Characters – Pride Month Special

Hello interweb, Nate here!  My first Pride Month special!  I’ve always meant to do one of these but every time I found the time to do one Pride Month was over and I didn’t really want to do a Pride Month special if it wasn’t during Pride.  I also wanted to get this out on the 26th since that marked the second anniversary of gay marriage being legalized in all 50 states in America, but I got busy on a Youth retreat and thus didn’t have the time to complete this.  Maybe in future years I’ll be able to create a tradition of releasing a Pride special every year on June 26th but don’t get your hopes up.  Enough beating around the bush, this list consists of my Top 10 Favorite characters in comics or comic book adaptations that identify as LGBT.  Leggo!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Top 10 Favorite Pokemon

Hello interweb, Nate here!  A while ago I mentioned in a post that I was getting a little burnt out on only talking about superheroes and wanted to expand this blog a little.  I have decided, after much consideration, to expand this blog to an overall “geek” blog that will open the doors to more discussion over more topics without completely abandoning superheroes and comics as a whole.  The biggest problem I’m really having is how to reorganize this site to accommodate this change.  I’m trying to think of a new name for this blog as well as a new banner (or maybe change the style of this site to exclude the banner all together?).  But for now, this is a post I’ve actually been wanting to do for years but just haven’t really been able to do it.  So today, here’s my Top 10 Favorite Pokemon!

Now, this list was actually really painful for me to make as I could only pick 10 out of 800+ Pokemon that exist as of Gen VII.  Granted, these are my favorites so I only had to deal with the ones I really like rather than mediocre ones like Pidgey or Rattata.  However this list didn’t take too long to make as I actually looked up a website that helps with creating your top 10 list accurately and quickly that I’d actually recommend trying out as it was quite fun (Pro tip: try picking ONLY one pokemon every time and avoid clicking “pass” button).


My Top 10 Favorite Superhero Teams

Hello interweb, Nate here!  So here’s another top 10 list!  This time: superhero teams!  If you’re familiar with my blog, number #1 shouldn’t surprise you; but how about the rest?  Let’s just jump into it and find out!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

Ranking the most anticipated comic book movies of 2017

Hello interweb, Nate here!  Little late on this but that’s ok.  So just like last year, I’m gonna go over the up coming comic book movies for 2017 and rank them from least anticipated to most anticipated.  Pretty straight forwards, right?  Alright, lego! (more…)

Ranking the 2016 Comic Book movies

2016-comic-book-moviesHello interweb, Nate here!  So today was suppose to be the Top 5 DC Comics of 2016, but I’ve been busy and I’m not fully caught up with all the DC comics I’m reading currently.  Therefore, I decided to do the comic book movies first and instead of a Top 5 list why don’t I just simply rank them?  After all, there were six movies so why not? (more…)