Adam West

My Tribute to Adam West – RIP Batman

Hello interweb, Nate here.  So quite recently, Adam West passed away at the age of 88.  Now I was hesitant to make this post as I actually never grew up with Adam West and therefore I was never the biggest fan of his work.  Sure, he played a role in the 60’s Batman show but I honestly know him better as the Mayor of Quahog in Family Guy.  However, I do have to respect the man for what he’s done in terms of his impact in comics — more specifically DC and even more specifically Batman — and because of that I respect how he has helped turn my personal favorite superhero into the icon he is today.  While I’m n0t personally a fan of the campy Batman TV show myself, I do acknowledge and respect the fact that without 60’s campy Batman there might’ve not been Batman as we know him today.  It’s kinda like how I respect The Dark Knight Returns for rebooting Batman into the grittier and darker character that I’ve fallen in love with even though The Dark Knight Returns itself kinda sucks in my opinion.  So with all that said and done, thank you Adam West and rest in peace.